Liberal Democrat Vote Fraud

We all saw the results of the 2000 American election. This time, I'm personally going to fight back in the only way that I can, with a blog that documents as many news reports about Democrat fraud as I can.

Location: Iowa, United States

Dean has been a professional computer consultant for almost 25 years, serving the Unix/Linux and various programming markets.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Of Democrats and Voter Fraud

Commenary by Vincent Fiore

October 11, 2004

Author's Note: What you are about to read is the writer's view regarding the state of the 2004 presidential elections. These views will at times seem harsh to some, and to others, possibly alarmist. Nevertheless, it is an opinion that is weighted by the facts as they present themselves. Opinions cease being opinion when events show them to be fact.

The country is gearing up for the very real possibility of the 2000 election fiasco replaying itself, but even worse. In that election between than-Governor George W. Bush and Vice President Al Gore, what followed was 36 days of numerous court challenges, sensationalized rhetoric, and a weakening of the political process under the over-simplified and misleading mantra of "count every vote" -- regardless of circumstance.

By circumstance, I mean laws. The outlook of the two major political parties concerning elections and votes falls into two vastly different political ideologies.

Democrats, for the most part, feel that every vote should be counted, as anything less would be a theft of someone's civil rights. The "law" has become an afterthought - if not always in application, then certainly in spirit.

Republicans, by and large, want every vote counted as well, but within the law, as voting is considered a privilege as well as a legal right.

Both are compelling arguments that are presented before the public for due consideration. However, one is built upon the foundations of a representative Republic, while the other has become sophistry built upon the pillars of imagined disenfranchisement and a haughty expectancy.

In this year’s presidential election, I see much that leads me to the conclusion that the Democratic Party has given up on trying to win elections within the purview of the law. The nation is decidedly polarized when it comes to the two main political parties. Some call it partisanship. I call it natural, as rooting for one’s candidate is as old as politics itself.


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