Liberal Democrat Vote Fraud

We all saw the results of the 2000 American election. This time, I'm personally going to fight back in the only way that I can, with a blog that documents as many news reports about Democrat fraud as I can.

Location: Iowa, United States

Dean has been a professional computer consultant for almost 25 years, serving the Unix/Linux and various programming markets.

Thursday, October 28, 2004 - Two charged with voter registration fraud

By Jon Sarche
The Associated Press

Denver prosecutors today charged two people with filling out multiple voter-registration forms and said they were investigating 'reams' of documents for potential problems.

Monique Mora, 20, and Pelonne Page, 21, are accused of putting down false information on the forms or having others do it.

The two were working for the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, one of numerous groups that paid people in Colorado this year to register voters.

Group officials did not immediately return a call for comment.

Similar investigations are under way in several counties, said Lisa Doran, a spokeswoman for the Colorado secretary of state's office.

'We're going to have more charges after the election,' she said. 'What we'll find is people not only may have attempted to register more than once not by accident, they may even attempt to vote more than once.'

Secretary of State Donetta Davidson has said she is confident that poll workers and election judges will be able to catch potential fraud.
Lynn Kimbrough, spokeswoman for the Denver district attorney, said Mora and Page each were charged with six counts of procuring false registrations, a misdemeanor punishable by up to 18 months in jail and a fine up to $5,000.


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