Liberal Democrat Vote Fraud

We all saw the results of the 2000 American election. This time, I'm personally going to fight back in the only way that I can, with a blog that documents as many news reports about Democrat fraud as I can.

Location: Iowa, United States

Dean has been a professional computer consultant for almost 25 years, serving the Unix/Linux and various programming markets.

Thursday, October 28, 2004 | News - Criminal charges filed against two people for alleged voter registration fraud

Chip Yost (9NEWS Investigative Reporter)
Created: 10/27/2004 12:55 PM MDT - Updated: 10/28/2004 9:05 AM MDT

DENVER - Criminal charges have been filed by the Denver district attorney against two voter registration workers.

They are accused of making up names of voters during a registration drive. Each worker faces six counts in this case.

They have been identified as Monique Mora and Pelonne Page.

According to the district attorney, the two Acorn employees filled out several registration applications themselves or had others fill out multiple forms with false information.

District Attorney Bill Ritter says since the two registration workers were paid for the alleged bogus applications, he believes their motivation was money and not an attempt to manipulate the outcome of the election.

[Yeah, we know that Democrats wouldn't try to manipulate the outcome of an election now, don't we? ]


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